Monday, April 2, 2012


Ethical behavior.  That manner of functioning which is consistently honorable no matter who is present to observe it.  Falling short of this desirable state of mind is familiar to most of us.  A purely ethical mind tracks nothing which is basely directed; that is, 'keeping to the high road' governs all thought and action.

Often, our admiration of another's ethics is misdirected.  When this occurs, we feel betrayed . . . as if our own honor has been impugned.  It is reasonable to ask ourselves why we trusted that particular someone -- what 'filters' were at work which obscured his/her true character -- and/or why we feel that our opinions and ideas should take precedence over a personal choice of anyone else.

Values exist in many forms, and we know principles vary, across cultural borders . . . even within families.  Human life may be more precious to some than to others.  An act which will be considered undesirable by some is commonly acceptable to others.

Sticking to a life purpose which hurts no one, harms nothing living and breathing, considers the environment, places health and cleanliness as high priorities -- seems a great first step toward truly ethical living. 

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